Deep tissue remedial massage in Adelaide involves manipulating deeper layers of muscle, trigger points and connective tissue. It uses firm pressure and may cause some discomfort, but this is a suitable type of pain that indicates that the tense muscles are being worked on.

Remedial massage improves circulation, makes joints more flexible and helps speed up the body’s natural healing processes. It treats various health problems, including sporting injuries and postural imbalances. For more deep tissue remedial massage Adelaide, click here.

Relieves Pain and Inflammation

Remedial massage involves manipulating deeper layers of muscle, trigger points and connective tissue. It is a hands-on treatment that works in conjunction with physiotherapy and chiropractic care. It has been shown to reduce cortisol levels and stimulate circulation, thereby reducing inflammation in the body.

remedial massage AdelaideThis type of massage has been known to alleviate stress, tension, headaches, and migraines caused by tension in the neck and shoulders. It also stimulates the release of endorphins, natural brain chemicals that reduce pain and increase feelings of well-being.

Mild discomfort may occur during the massage, but this is usually a good thing – a sign that tight muscles are being worked on. After your remedial massage, drinking plenty of water and rest is essential. This will help flush out toxins and extend your treatment’s effects. Applying a warm compress or soak in a bath is also recommended to aid the healing process further.

Increases Circulation

Remedial Massage Adelaide practitioners are trained to manipulate superficial and deep muscles, easing tension, improving circulation, decreasing restriction, and promoting relaxation. This encourages the body to release the “feel good” hormones and reduce the production of stress hormones like cortisol. For more deep tissue remedial massage Adelaide, click here.

Remedial massage can reduce inflammation and improve the body’s healing ability. Regular remedial massage also increases lymphatic flow, encourages the reabsorption of excess fluid, and enhances immune function.

Remedial Massage therapists are skilled in conducting various assessments to understand their clients and tailor treatment accordingly thoroughly. This includes muscle testing to identify the specific muscles in a client’s condition and postural analysis to pinpoint any imbalances in their body position. This is important as incorrect posture can contribute to physical problems, such as back pain, shoulder injuries and knee issues. Robert Stephens is a qualified Remedial Massage Therapist with extensive experience working with office workers, professional athletes, and weekend warriors to ease muscle tightness and improve performance.

Relieves Tension

Whether you have neck and shoulder tension from poor posture at work or back pain from an injury, remedial massage can help ease these symptoms. Remedial massage uses a range of techniques to identify and release any tension within the muscles, tendons and ligaments, reducing inflammation and improving function.

Remedial massage can also alleviate headaches and migraines, often caused by stress and tension in the shoulders and neck. A remedial massage can quickly relieve these symptoms by releasing endorphins, the body’s natural chemical that reduces pain.

After a remedial massage, your muscles may feel sore and tender, but this should only last for a day or two. Drinking plenty of water and avoiding strenuous exercise can extend the healing benefits of your massage. Getting regular remedial massages can help you feel and perform at your best. For more deep tissue remedial massage Adelaide, click here.

Increases Flexibility

Remedial massage uses therapeutic techniques such as myofascial release, dry needling, and deep tissue work to alleviate pain and improve function. Unlike traditional spa-style massage, therapeutic massage targets muscles, tendons, and ligaments injured or weakened to improve flexibility.

Massage also stimulates the lymphatic system to encourage fluid drainage and supports the production of mood-enhancing and disease-fighting hormones. It can reduce stress hormones such as cortisol and enhance sleep quality and cognitive performance.

Remedial massage is an integral part of a health and wellness program for athletes and non-athletes. It can help to prevent injuries and speed up recovery from existing ones. However, it is essential to allow your body time to recover from a remedial massage session and avoid training the areas treated. You may experience tenderness a day or two after treatment, but this is normal. If you are unsure how frequently you should receive a remedial massage, consult your therapist.